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Automation 8: HMI

Credits: 1
Course Number: 10-664-151

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Course Description

10-664-151 AUTOMATION 8: HMI ...the functions of Human Machine Interface, Operator Interface Terminal software and generation of PLC program and screens adhering to written specification using Operator Interface Terminal and PLC software. (Pre-requisite: 10-664-105, Automation 6: PLC; Pre-requisite does not apply to the Cybersecurity Considerations for Industrial Controls Certificate)

Course Typically Offered

  • Fall
  • Spring

Most NWTC classes are offered in 8-week sessions. Learn more about how our class schedule can help you succeed.

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What will I learn?

  1. Summarize the functions of Human Machine Interface
  2. Generate PLC program to communicate with a Operator Interface Terminal
  3. Produce a tag database with screen objects for Operator Interface Terminal
  4. Troubleshoot a Operator Interface Terminal application
  5. Validate a Operator Interface Terminal application via written specification