Credits: 3
Course Number: 10-623-117
Course Description
10-623-117 STATICS ...essential elements of statics. Includes vector mechanics, coplanar and non-coplanar force systems, resultants, distributed loads, free-body diagrams, equilibrium conditions, trusses and frames, joints-method of sections, and force of inertia. (Prerequisite: 10-804-198, Calculus 1)
Course Typically Offered
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What will I learn?
- Understand, express, and manipulate the concepts of forces and moments in two- and three- dimensions.
- Construct free-body diagrams of complete structures and their individual components.
- Apply static equilibrium to particles in two- and three- dimensions.
- Apply static equilibrium to rigid bodies in two dimensions.
- Apply the concepts of dry friction to bodies in static equilibrium.
- Analyze the internal forces within a rigid body in static equilibrium.
- Determine Centroids and Centers of Gravity
- Moments of inertia of area, Parallel-Axis theorem and transformation of moments of inertia
- Understand Mohr’s circle for moments of inertia
- Determine mass moments of inertia.
- Apply principle of virtual work, mechanical efficiency, potential energy & equilibrium and stability of equilibrium
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