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EDU: Equity in Education

Credits: 3
Course Number: 10-522-112

Course Description

10-522-112 EDU: EQUITY IN EDUCATION ...students analyze personal culture, explore cultural constructs, evaluate cultural bias in educational materials and analyze strategies to support English Learners. Students examine diversity in the classroom and develop techniques for supporting equity in the learning environment. In addition, students collaborate to identify service needs in the community and demonstrate professional collaboration skills through participating in a service learning project.

Course Typically Offered

  • Fall

Most NWTC classes are offered in 8-week sessions. Learn more about how our class schedule can help you succeed.

How can I use this course to achieve my career goals?

This course is associated with the following programs:

What will I learn?

  1. Analyze personal culture
  2. Evaluate bias in educational materials
  3. Explore culturally responsive practices
  4. Examine diversity in the classroom
  5. Analyze strategies to support English Learners
  6. Support equity in the classroom
  7. Demonstrate professional collaboration skills in a service learning project
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1 classes found

Class Number: 82151

Fall 2024
10/23/2024 - 12/20/2024