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I chose NWTC because it was affordable and also because it had a program that I was interested in, (HVAC/R). I returned to NWTC for my business degree based on those same reasons.
I chose the HVAC/R Program because it has a hands-on learning approach as well as system troubleshooting. I chose the Business Management program because I really enjoy interacting with people in a customer service-based way which fits well with my personality. Another reason for choosing the Business Program was to become more familiar with the principles associated with potentially running a business in the future.
My experience at NWTC has been great. All of the instructors have been great and very willing to help if needed. NWTC provides so many opportunities to students to help them better succeed, develop, and grow.
I am currently working at a heating and cooling company that I started at only a few weeks after graduating. I am also working at NWTC in the Student Involvement Office as a student ambassador.
My advice for future NWTC students: Take advantage of the opportunities and services provided by the college. I would also urge future students to get involved with different clubs, activities, and work studies offered throughout the school. It will greatly benefit them by allowing them to become more familiar with the campus as a whole. The networking that is available here at the school is another phenomenal opportunity that students have the chance to take advantage of.