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College 101: On Course for Success in Life, Learning and Employment

Credits: 1
Course Number: 10-890-101

Course Description

10-890-101 COLLEGE 101...Students gain skills that lead to success in college and employment. This course encourages students to develop a growth mindset and make wise choices. Students should take this course in their first semester. (Pre-requisite: None.)

Course Typically Offered

  • Summer
  • Fall
  • Spring

Most NWTC classes are offered in 8-week sessions. Learn more about how our class schedule can help you succeed.

Credit for Prior Learning

How can I use this course to achieve my career goals?

This course is associated with the following programs:

What will I learn?

  1. Demonstrate academic behaviors that support success in life, learning, and employment.
  2. Analyze the culture and language of higher education with its role as a factor of success within a college or employment organization.
  3. Develop a personal study system to prioritize college success while balancing your specific life roles.
  4. Develop help-seeking behaviors to enhance success in life, learning, and employment.