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Adv. Patient Assess Principles

Credits: 3
Course Number: 10-531-913

Course Description

10-531-913 ADVANCED PATIENT ASSESSMENT PRINCIPLES ...this course teaches the paramedic student to integrate scene and patient assessment findings with knowledge of epidemiology and pathophysiology to form a field impression. By utilizing a structured and organized assessment process with knowledge of anatomy, physiology, pathophysiology, life span development, and changes that occur to the human body with time, the students will learn to develop a list of differential diagnoses through clinical reasoning, along with the ability to modify the assessment as necessary to formulate a treatment plan for their patients. (Corequisites: all 10-531-XXX courses in the current semester)

Course Typically Offered

  • Fall

Most NWTC classes are offered in 8-week sessions. Learn more about how our class schedule can help you succeed.

How can I use this course to achieve my career goals?

This course is associated with the following programs:

What will I learn?

  1. Examine the physiological and psychosocial characteristics associated with various stages of human life.
  2. Identify components of a primary assessment of a patient.
  3. Value the importance of basic patient needs.
  4. Demonstrate a thorough primary patient assessment
  5. Demonstrate history taking as a part of a thorough patient assessment.
  6. Identify the components of a secondary assessment of a patient.
  7. Demonstrate a thorough secondary patient assessment.
  8. Differentiate anatomical, physical, cognitive, and emotional differences between pediatric and adult patients.
  9. Compare and contrast normal and abnormal changes to the human body associated with aging.

Class Details

Class Number:
Summer 2023
Tyler Felchlin
Date Range:
Estimated Cost:
$531.50 *

Class Notes

  • This is an Online Class. Class access begins on class start date. To begin, Go to: https://blackboard.nwtc.edu - enter your username and password. New to Online Learning at NWTC? Orientation information is available on the Blackboard Login page. Student Help Desk (24/7), call toll-free (866) 235-5037. Textbook information, visit http://mybooks.nwtc.edu. Please check student e-mail under Quick Links on website, www.nwtc.edu

Meeting Times

Dates Day(s) / Time Location(s)
07/06/23 - 08/04/23 Anytime

* Cost displayed is an estimate and may be discounted if attendees are residents of Northeast Wisconsin Back to cost
