Surplus Items

When NWTC has used furniture and/or equipment:

  • It is generally offered first to Cooperative Educational Service Agency (CESA) schools within NWTC's district.
  • An initial offering may be followed by offerings to other public agencies, and items are sold.
  • NWTC uses to manage our surplus equipment.
  • Public Surplus is an online auction site that was specifically designed for public agencies to manage their surplus equipment. 
  • Each item will be offered in its own auction that will contain all the pertinent information, including description, condition, pictures, location, terms and conditions, etc.
  • Auctions are open and accessible 24/7 at Public Surplus's website:
  • All individuals or businesses wanting to receive notice of surplus items available for sale will need to register with Public Surplus to be alerted of all future surplus equipment.  If you represent a CESA school within our district, please contact Purchasing directly to register with Public Surplus.
  • All registered Public Surplus users will receive notifications at the same time via email of items being offered for sale.

For Additional Information Contact

Purchasing/Fixed Assets

(920) 491-2694
